Bruce Steelman is the UT Extension Agent in Lincoln County that works with Agriculture and Natural Resources. All ag-related programming offered by UT Extension Lincoln County is open to everyone. Please contact us at (931) 433-1582.
Listed below are a few of the many programs offered by our agency.
Cattle and Hay Scales
Scales are available from our office to weigh both cattle and hay for performance programs or to determine bale weights.
Plant Diagnostics
The UT Soil, Plant & Pest Center in Nashville provides forage & grain analysis; the basic forage test costs $20. You may obtain the Forage & Grain Information Sheets that include instructions on how to submit samples at our office.
Soil Testing
The UT Soil, Plant & Pest Center in Nashville also offers soil testing. The Plus Test costs $20/sample, which includes water pH, P, K, Ca, Mg, Zn, Mn, Fe, Cu, Na, and B. Lime and fertilizer recommendations will be provided for up to four crop codes per sample. Sample boxes and information sheets are available at the Lincoln County Extension Office. Samples may be brought in to our office, mailed directly to the lab or dropped off at the Ellington Agricultural Center in Nashville.
Livestock Production and Management
Agent works with producers to increase profitability and performance for all types of livestock.
Forage Production and Management
Agent works with farmers to increase production and profitability of
forage. Hay samples can also be taken and analyzed for nutrient content.
Plant and Pest Identification and Control
Agent works with homeowners and producers to determine problem pests and identifies appropriate control treatment. Pesticide certification training is offered, as well.