4-H Dairy Cattle Judging
Dairy judging is open to youth in the 4th – 12th grades. Dairy judging trains young people in decision-making skills related to the dairy industry. Team members will learn:
- How to evaluate the mild production of dairy cows and heifers
- How to evaluate the proper structure of dairy animals
- How to evaluate the longevity of dairy cows in production
- How to justify placings in a set of oral reasons
Participants will be asked to judge five to six classes of dairy cows and/or dairy heifers. Classes will consist of four animals. Attempts will be made to have at least two breeds represented, as well as, at least two cow classes and two heifer classes in the contest. The five major breeds are Holstein, Ayrshire, Jersey, Guernsey and Brown Swiss. Senior team members will also gve oral reasons at the contest.
Practice Session Information
Judging practices will start in June (exact date TBA) in the Ralph Hastings Building auditorium (adjacent to the UT Extension Lincoln County Office). Weekly practices will be held until the regional contest in July; senior team members will compete in the state contest in August.
For more information contact Lincoln County’s UT Extension 4-H Agent, Dan Owen at (931) 433-1582.